Dark Grimoire Players Network

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Distant Memories Ashram Xilocient I have awoken, or rather, I have returned from my hiatus, back to the world of Valorn and to those whom were left behind. Things seem a blur, names and faces are all but forgotten, only those who had found me, one being that of Azure still keep themselves fresh on my mind. Tis an ordeal all its own, to have returned after such an absence, but one that must be faced for one such as myself.<br /><br />I've found myself pestered after by another man, Nael I think his name was? I only vaguely remember the name, but his sharp tongue and constant leering are things that I remember all too well before I left for some short while, and they are things that find me even now. He is such a bothersome man, one that tests and tries my patience as it is, and such is a thing that I would not test even yet. But still it seems, his ever watching eyes will lurk after me, though, for what reason, I have yet to find out, he is a man of secrets, and a man of irritating tendencies. Nevertheless, I will have to shrug things away as they are and simply move forward.<br /><br />The notion of moving forward though, still seems the strange thing itself. I still remember the village as it was, the green fields and clear waters, they were beautiful things. Time has told me, that which is beautiful is that which is difficult to impossible to step away from. If such is the case, then how can I look forward? It is a vexing thing as it is, but for their sakes, I can only imagine trying to move forward, no matter the cost or trial, it will have to be done or I shall have lost the few remaining specs of my pride and honor. What a pathetic thing it is. [no messages]
The life it belongs to Tara silverspark A slightly worn much loved book with a softened boss-hide cover dyed Green. It is emblazoned with a red dragon and the letters TS which have a double meaning [no messages]
Mists of Memories Nexxia [no description] [no messages]
Syzden's Vision Talena Syzden Pages of Syzden's Wonderings [no messages]
Indigo Ink IndefinitelyIndigo A thin journal with rough, absorbent pages. The cover is made of soft and flexible black leather, and has a flap that goes from the back cover, and fastens to the front with a string. [no messages]
Koningar Fletcher koningar A thick and sturdy leatherbound journal. Red leather, and copper bracing, still nearly immaculate in appearance. Accompanied by a matching reddish quill, slid into a small pocket of the spine. [no messages]
Unknown attikar Scraps of paper rolled up tied with string [no messages]
Hatchet's Journal Mag Hatchet A small leather-bound book. [no messages]
soft whispers Selene Priya a leatherbound book with crisp pages and a gull plume that marks her place. [no messages]
DurSheen Greyhem DurSheen This book is bound in such a way that pages may be removed or added at need, or want. The thick bos leather covers are glowing with a protective oil coating, and looks well used, and even better taken care of. [no messages]
Travels of Drecq Lexensta Drecq Dedicated to the adventures and life of Drecq Lexenstar. It also contains his history and backstories of when he was a young man living in the constant travel of his clan after the fall of their homeland of Killica at the hands of Pirates and Demons alike. [no messages]
The inner workings of Lil Lilliya This Journal has a hideous star on the front cover, obviously made by hand. Otherwise it?s rather plain in way of adornment. [no messages]
A Journal Avedis Nercessian Still just a journal. [no messages]
Rememberings Viv A handbound journal wrapped in yellow cloth. [no messages]
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